Sunday, November 20, 2016

Group Work Nightmare

As part of the group work task, following is our review of other groups' advertisements:

1. Confirmed Biased

Nice looking ad. The visuals are very good. Good amount of text, it is not too busy.

Suggestions for improvement:
  • The infographic is clear and is demonstrated in consumer language, but the text is not.
  • The ad should be more clear with a specific call to action and what values it’s offering. While it looks really good, if I hadn’t heard anything about your idea before, it would be very difficult to understand what it is it.
  • Highlight the website link somehow or use different color to make it more “visible” to a customer
  • What kind of feed are we talking about? Can this only be done on mobile, as the image might suggest? Make this part clearer, this is the value you offer.
  • I am kinda confused about lookingglass.nowehere. What is it exactly? Is it an URL? Download link for an app? A website where you can use the service online? It is also a bit long and not that easy to remember.

2. Nimetään lapsi vasta kun se on syntyny

Good image. Pleasant colours. Good, easy to understand visualization of ‘social media bubbles’.

Suggestions for improvement:
  • The ad has call to action but does not give any link, QRCode or anything to visit the website or download the solution
  • The font size of the “call to action” is too small and the color cannot make it standout.
  • The ad mentions the problems, but it does not mention solution or values
  • There is some tiny unreadable text above the picture. Looks like some sort of reference. Is that something that would go in a print ad? Consider giving credit somehow else.
  • You could try to make the call to action stand out e.g. by using a different color.

3. Knowledge Sharing

Nice ad, very clean and using peasant colours. The call to action is very clear.

Suggestions for improvement:
  • The ad is simple and effective in showing problem and solution, but the link to facebook page is not existed
  • The small blue text on white background is rather difficult to read
  • The font on the tagline under Skillstree(at the bottom) is really small and therefore difficult to read
  • In the question, ‘learn’ should be ‘learned/learnt’
  • It is not clear how your solution is different from all the other learning platforms out there. Why would somebody choose this one and not one of those?

4. Ethical Publishing

The ad is clear and focused and the idea is new. The text is really good and catchy and gives a lot to think about. The colors on the ad are used good, they give a feeling of contrast. The ad makes a consumer want to learn more about the topic.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Maybe it is a good idea to use a different color or highlight somehow the website link on the bottom, so people would pay more attention to it.
  • There is quite a lot of text on the ad. Is everything that is there essential?
  • There is little space between the elements of the ad and on the left and right side of the content. It looks a bit crowded. More ‘whitespace’ would improve the look,
  • Draw attention to the call to action. Now it is just another block of white text.
  • The call to action itself is rather wordy. If it were more straightforward it would be easier to identify quickly what to do.

5. Constant Connectivity

It is easy to understand your idea and it is interesting. However, you have a lack of focus on your ad.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Add more focus to your ad. There is too much text on the smartphone screen and it is not really catchy.
  • It is a good idea to use more light blue color to highlight the most important things.
  • Likewise, it is better to write in the same style in both background and screen as you are stating the brand logo.
  • Add more space between the top line of the advertisement and the text.
  • Add more interesting and catchy details to make the advertisement inspiring.

6. Politics is boring

The idea is good, the slogan is catchy and the colors are bright. People will definitely pay attention to it, but there are some things you can improve.  

Suggestions for improvement:

  • It is difficult to understand the aim of the advertisement without reading the long description under it. Add some words about politics to the poster. Remember, that good ad don’t need any extra explanations, everything should be clear right from the poster.
  • Add information about your aim to the poster.
  • Add youtube logo and you can put the link in the shorter and more beautiful way
  • Did you ask Tume’s permission to use his photos and name in your marketing campaign?
  • The same issue with the black-and-white photo. Is it a free stock photo? Do you have a permission to use it?

7. Sleep Deprivation (#SleepOrDie)

A very clear poster. Conveys exactly what it is supposed to. Following are some suggestions for improvement:

  • Add a reason for “being tired”. Now it is not very clear if the person on the photo is tired because she is using social webs before sleep or she is doing something else (maybe even reading a book to relax)
  • Add links to social webs, it is impossible to follow it right now
  • Adding a QR code for the links will help mobile users a quick access
  • A clear mention if this is a service or an app or a tool is missing
  • Maybe split up a line of text. The meaning is clear, but it is not catchy and a little bit long.

8. Privacy and SNSs

The ad looks simplistic and good use of the image based on the heading. A few suggestions:

  • The advertisement is not that clear about the product/service at first glance. Maybe use a sub headline to explain that it is for protecting privacy.
  • The description would catch more attention if a dark colour is used. Right now, one might ignore reading it.
  • Usage of QR code is recommended (for offline usage like a poster)
  • Do you use a free stock photo? Is everything OK with publishing rights?
  • Be careful with using fonts with outline like you used in YOU. It is not recommended to use them in print design.

9. Boobs or Paper?

The ad looks catchy. No doubt, it will catch attention. Overall, the ad conveys what it is supposed to. Here are a few suggestions/comments:

  • The description text is too small. A bigger text would be easier to read.
  • There is a lot of text in the ad. Not sure if people will care to read that much.
  • You might attract criticism for using the picture. Consider the target locations for displaying the ad.
  • Call to action is good. A QR code and a link is suggested for easy access.
  • The ‘Boobs or Paper?’ text should be right next to the image, as it is directly related to it. Maybe switch the location with the heading.

10. Misinformation

Nice work! Your problem is clear from the poster, you have a call to action and provide a way to get more information. I think it’s great you manage to convey your message in such few words!

Suggestions for improvement:

  • There is a lot going on in the image. Could you reduce the number of graphical elements in there to make it easier to understand what is going on? For example, just keep the T-Rex and the people running and remove/simplify the busy background(forest) for that part.
  • ‘Do not fall ON hoaxes’ should be ‘Do not fall FOR hoaxes’
  • First thing I wondered when seeing the poster is what kind of plug-in is it? Browser plug-in? Clarify it then. Also consider if you want to draw attention to the fact that it’s a plug-in in the poster or if it would be enough to say ‘Download Webhawk’, as that is the name of the product.
  • It seems like you are going for a movie add look.The font reminds me on an animated movie or something similar, yet the image makes me think of an action movie or a related genre. This is a bit confusing. I suggest a different font.
  • How do you save time? By not falling for hoaxes? Somehow else? Based on that one line of text, I am not sure what to think.

11. Clickbaits

Nice work! I can understand what you are trying to do based on the ad alone. It’s good you mention the platforms it can be used for clearly. I like the idea of using an example, it drives the point across well.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • There is very little ‘whitespace’, a lot of text, many colours, and elements overlap. There is too much going on and it’s difficult to understand at a glance what is the first thing to look at. Is it the title? The image? The red text? The bolded text?
  • Use icons for the app stores and browsers. No need to write it out. It will look nicer.
  • The reviews look strange. I suggest using stars rather than 4/5. It is much more common and it will be familiar for the viewers. Also, the name of the publication seems to be in a larger font than the quote and it comes before it. Is who is saying it more relevant than what they are saying? I suggest you highlight the quote, rather than the publication.
  • The example makes it easy to understand. However, it is very busy and there is a lot of text. I think some of the elements could be removed to highlight the one that is actually relevant.
  • Somehow the font does not look ‘sharp’. I suggest experimenting a bit with the font (and font sizes as well) to find something that works well.

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